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Configuring a VM to use Manila Shares

Placeholders on this page

Please note that any code snippets formatted like ${placeholder} are placeholders for your names that you used when you created the Manila shares in Horizon or via the CLI.


All JS2 featured images will have the necessary Ceph repository and packages installed. You will need to make sure you have ceph-common from the Ceph repository. Instructions may be found here:

If you aren’t comfortable with adding repositories and installing packages, we highly recommend that you use a featured image.

1. Create a mount point on your instance

This can be anywhere in the filesystem. We recommend using a descriptive name.

mkdir /smith-lab-data

2.Configuring your instance

Using the name and key of the access rule you created, complete these steps:

i. Create the file /etc/ceph/ceph.client.${accessTo}.keyring and add the accessKey


sudo vi /etc/ceph/ceph.client.smithlabRWaccess.keyring

and add

    key = AQAHfhZiwTf/NhAAT5ChE4tDXt3Nq1NyiURbMQ==

Also, make sure the permissions on the file are rw to the owner only. You can do that with

sudo chmod 600 /etc/ceph/ceph.client.smithlabRWaccess.keyring

ii. Edit /etc/fstab to include the following line:

Using the path from the share creation and the name and key of the access rule you created, add your entry to the fstab so it mounts at boot time:

$path /smith-lab-data ceph name=${accessTo},x-systemd.device-timeout=30,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30,noatime,_netdev,rw 0   2

$path = IP#:ports followed by volume path (/volume/_no-group/uuid/uuid)

Please make sure to change the $variables to whatever you set these values to in Manila or the CLI when you created the share

Example:,,,, /smith-lab-data ceph name=smithlabRWaccess,x-systemd.device-timeout=30,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30,noatime,_netdev,rw 0 2

3. Mount the share

Mount the manila share created with the following command mount -a

If you then run a df -h|grep vol you should see something like this:,,,,   1.8T  134G  1.7T   2% /smith-lab-data