Jetstream2 Trial Allocations (JTA)

Jetstream2 trial allocations provide expedited, limited access to Jetstream2 resources. With a trial allocation, approved users can “test drive” Jetstream2 prior to requesting their own ACCESS allocations.

Trial allocations feature:

  • 1000 service units (SUs) on the main Jetstream2 cloud at Indiana University (access to regional clouds is not provided)
  • 1 m3.tiny (single core) or 1 m3.small (2-core) virtual machine instance
  • 1 virtual machine backup snapshot per instance
  • 10 GB disk external storage volume

This is meant to provide enough capacity for new users to experience “cloud native” virtual computing. It is not intended as a permanent or long-term solution.

Please note that these limits are intrinsic to the allocation and cannot be adjusted. While virtual GPUs are available on Jetstream2, they are not currently part of the trial allocation program.

Signing up for a trial allocation

To begin the process of using a Jetstream2 trial allocation: