Jetstream2 Software Collection

The Jetstream2 Software Collection is available via a shared disk that will be automatically mounted by instances created from a Jetstream2 featured image. Researchers can use modules to load any combination of software they need, similar to how HPC systems do it.

This list will be ever evolving, but at this time, these are the items installed in the software collection:

  • Matlab
  • R / R Studio
  • Intel Compiler (Intel OneAPI)
  • Singularity/Apptainer
  • NVIDIA (formerly PGI) Compiler / HPC Toolkit / CUDA
  • AOCC Compiler
  • Anaconda (Jupyter is available via Anaconda!)
  • Jupyter/JupyterLab/JupyterHub (as part of Anaconda)*

These items are planned but not installed presently:

  • Java
  • Databases (e.g. Mysql, Postgresql, Mongo)
  • Shiny

Please see the following links for using the Jetstream Software Collection:

We recommend using the NVIDIA containers for GPU-related software from NVIDIA as the ecosystem can often be problematic for individual local installations. The NVIDIA Container Toolkit is installed on all featured images.

This is still an ongoing effort so this list will almost certainly change in coming weeks and months.