
Galaxy is a data analysis platform for genomic data analysis, although support other domains is growing: machine learning, natural language processing, climate science. Galaxy enables scientists to share, analyze and visualize their own data via a browser. Thousands of modern and popoular tools are readily available alongside pre-formatted reference data. There are also extensive training resources for a variety of roles, including researchers, tool developers, and educators.

Galaxy UI

Galaxy on Jetstream

The primary way Galaxy leverages Jetstream today is totally invisible to the user. You may already be using Jetstream without even knowing it! The Galaxy public server available at is making opportunistic use of Jetstream resources for suitable jobs. When you submit a job from, it may be automatically routed to a set of machines running on Jetstream. The decision is based on the selected tool and input properties, and as a user, there is currently no way to request a job execute on Jetstream. It is worth noting that the current implementation does not require you as a user to have a Jetstream allocation but it also does not support custom tools or usage quotas.

Creating your own Galaxy Instance

But what if I have an allocation and want to run my own Galaxy server or install custom tools? Galaxy is an open source application so it can be installed on a virtual machine running on Jetstream. If you choose this path, we strongly recommend that the installation and server management is done by a system administrator familiar with cloud computing technology, and ideally Galaxy. Running a Galaxy server can quickly become a time-consuming job that requires substantial understanding of the underlying technology.

To get started with installing, visit and follow the documentation.

For any installation other than a temporary development instance, we recommend creating a Production Environment for Galaxy.